Steve Gen-X (aka Steve Genereaux) kicked off his singing debut in Brantford in the early 1980's with a band called the Corporals. The band also included guitar player, Kevin Stevens, and bass player, Jerry Jackson. These jackasses went on the form the hardcore band Social Suicide in 1984 with Bryan Hunt on drums.
Social Suicide played the local Southern Ontario punk scene from 1984 to 1987 and was a staple opening act for many of the well known touring bands of the time. They released a homemade cassette tape entitled "Halloween Treats" and were featured on many Domestic and Foreign compilation tapes, including the LP "From The Armpit of Canada" out of Hamilton.
After Social Suicide, Steve continued to write and record songs with Jerry under the guise "J-Body Low Gloss". Steve would lay down a drum track with Jerry doing the bass, then Jerry would go back and do the guitar tracks while Steve wrote some lyrics; by the time they were finished, they were pretty fucked up. They released an underground double cassette entitled "One Inch Woofer" in 1990. During this period, Steve also sang in a band with Jerry for a few months (you have to go see Jerry's bio to hear about that).
In the mid-1990's, Steve resurfaced to the public briefly in a band called Bound By Twine. This included the former members of Social Suicide (Jerry on bass and Bryan on drums) plus longtime friend, Noel Jarvis. Noel is a phenomenal guitar player and this band was "the epitome of hardcore punk rock" of that era [to me - Steve]. Unfortunately, it faded out as fast as it flared up and Noel left for personal reasons. Replacement guitar players were sought, but none found [side note: Don Jackson played guitar with us at the conception of the band but left because he also played in Drunk N' Anger and they were too busy playing and recording to be able to put 100% into our band - god bless his little heart].
Disenchanted and jaded, Steve left the music scene for a while and pursued his other creative efforts: printmaking, cartoon making and gourd stuff making (yes, gourds … this shit will blow your mind < I will add links later). He still jammed with local musicians and enjoyed "J-Body" sessions with Jerry.
Here we are now … Nothing Helper. Jerry, Don and Steve decided that it was time to take it live again, so a few years ago we started writing new material and jamming as a 3-piece unit with Steve playing drums and singing. That arrangement could only take it so far musically, so they added drummer Brandon Robinson … but he left before they even played a gig [he still gets mention because his contributions were welcomed]. Enter Robb Stevens (see his bio to see if he is even anybody) to play drums … again, here we are.